Step to UEFI (263)实验:直接修改QEMU的启动顺序

当我们使用如下 Command 启动 QEMU 的时候,能够将 d:\tmp 目录映射为 fs0:

.\qemu-system-x86_64.exe -bios ovmf.fd  -hda fat:rw:d:\tmp\

之后,可以在这个目录中看到一个名为 NvVars 的文件。这次实验的目标是直接修改 NvVars 文件来实现调整启动顺序。例如:启动之后在 Setup 中可以看到如下4个启动设备:

1.进入Shell 后使读取变量的命令,将变量保存在 Result.txt 文件中:

  Dmpstore >> result.txt

2.在 Debug Log 中可以看到如下字样,就是说 OVMF 在启动过程中会读取NvVars这个文件作为变量:

InstallProtocolInterface: 964E5B22-6459-11D2-8E39-00A0C969723B 6B6F030
Installed Fat filesystem on 6C14698
FsAccess.c: LoadNvVarsFromFs
FSOpen: Open 'NvVars' Success
FsAccess.c: Read 10590 bytes from NV Variables file

3.进一步分析,读取动作来自 ovmfpkg\library\nvvarsfilelib\FsAccess.c 文件中的LoadNvVarsFromFs() 函数

  Loads the non-volatile variables from the NvVars file on the
  given file system.

  @param[in]  FsHandle - Handle for a gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid instance

  @return     EFI_STATUS based on the success or failure of load operation

LoadNvVarsFromFs (
  EFI_HANDLE                            FsHandle

4.具体读取动作在ReadNvVarsFile() 函数中:

  Reads the contents of the NvVars file on the file system

  @param[in]  FsHandle - Handle for a gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid instance

  @return     EFI_STATUS based on the success or failure of the file read

ReadNvVarsFile (
  IN  EFI_HANDLE            FsHandle


  FileContents = FileHandleReadToNewBuffer (File, FileSize);
  if (FileContents == NULL) {
    FileHandleClose (File);

5.读取之后使用 IterateVariablesInBuffer() 函数进行解析

  Iterates through the variables in the buffer, and calls a callback
  function for each variable found.

  @param[in]  CallbackFunction - Function called for each variable instance
  @param[in]  Context - Passed to each call of CallbackFunction
  @param[in]  Buffer - Buffer containing serialized variables
  @param[in]  MaxSize - Size of Buffer in bytes

  @return     EFI_STATUS based on the success or failure of the operation

IterateVariablesInBuffer (
  IN VOID                                       *CallbackContext,
  IN VOID                                       *Buffer,
  IN UINTN                                      MaxSize

上面是一些基本的研究,下面尝试直接修改。在Dump 的变量文件Result.txt 中,可以看到 BootOrder 变量:

  00000080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  *................*
  00000090: 00 00 00 00 7F FF 04 00-4E AC 08 81 11 9F 59 4D  *........N.....YM*
  000000A0: 85 0E E2 1A 52 2C 59 B2-                         *....R,Y.*
Variable NV+RT+BS 'EFIGlobalVariable:BootOrder' DataSize = 0x0A
  00000000: 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00-04 00                    *..........*
Variable NV+RT+BS 'EFIGlobalVariable:Key0002' DataSize = 0x0E
  00000000: 00 00 00 40 3C 4A 2D 14-05 00 11 00 00 00        *...@<J-.......*

对应在 NvVars 文件中位于下面几行:

这里,将 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00-04 00 修改为 00 00 04 00 02 00 03 00-01 00,下次再启动 QEMU 会会先启动到网卡上了。                 


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