这是来自 http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/LibraryList 的Arduino MD5库【参考1】。我实验了一下挺好用的。
#include "MD5.h" /* This is en example of how to use my MD5 library. It provides two easy-to-use methods, one for generating the MD5 hash, and the second one to generate the hex encoding of the hash, which is frequently used. */ void setup() { //initialize serial Serial.begin(9600); //give it a second delay(1000); //generate the MD5 hash for our string unsigned char* hash=MD5::make_hash("hello world"); //generate the digest (hex encoding) of our hash char *md5str = MD5::make_digest(hash, 16); //print it on our serial monitor Serial.println(md5str); char* test="hello world"; unsigned char* hash2=MD5::make_hash(test); md5str=MD5::make_digest((unsigned char*)hash2, 16); Serial.println(md5str); } void loop() { }
static const void *body(void *ctxBuf, const void *data, size_t size);
static void MD5Init(void *ctxBuf);
static void MD5Final(unsigned char *result, void *ctxBuf);
static void MD5Update(void *ctxBuf, const void *data, size_t size);
1.https://github.com/tzikis/ArduinoMD5/ 完整代码下载 ArduinoMD5-master
2.http://md5calculator.chromefans.org/ 一个MD5在线计算网站