@echo off set ns=0 rem Show start time set time1=%time% echo Start time is %time1% call :time2sec %time1% set t1=%ns% rem Do what you want rem Show end time set time2=%time% echo End time is ?%time2% call :time2sec %time2% set t2=%ns% rem Calculate set /a tdiff=%t2% - %t1% echo diff %time1% from %time2% = %tdiff% seconds. goto :eof :time2sec rem CDonvert time to seconds. Save to ns set tt=%1 set hh=%tt:~0,2% set mm=%tt:~3,2% set ss=%tt:~6,2% set /a ns=(%hh%*60+%mm%)*60+%ss% goto :eof
比如,我用这个工具来测试Build BIOS 的时间: