
这次介绍一下USB逻辑分析仪。USB协议是比较复杂的通讯协议,使用差分信号进行传输,速度很快,编码上采用 NRZI 【参考1】,这样导致根本无法使用示波器之类的进行Debug (速度快,数据多,一直在变化)。因此,要想知道线路上究竟跑了什么数据只能使用专用的逻辑分析仪进行分析。下面是 Lecroy 出品的 Advisor T3 型USB分析仪,可以进行USB 2.0/3.0 协议的分析(不支持 USB Type C ,  有专门额外的设备可以用来分析这个协议)。

下面是设备的正面,A口和B口分别连接在设备和主机上,对于USB HOST 和 Salve来说是透明的。




下面尝试抓取 Arduino USB 串口(16U2)的数据,我们先编写一个简单的代码,一直向串口输出字符串:


void setup() {

  // put your setup code here, to run once:



void loop() {

  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:










  1. 开始记录
  2. 插入 Arduino UNO
  3. 打开串口工具记录
  4. 从串口工具对 Arduino 发送数据


第一步:设置设备的地址,这里可以看到分配给 Arduino 的USB地址是 0x0F


第二步:HOST要求设备送出 Device Descriptor



Setup Data 80 06 00 01 00 00 12 00
Direction Device-to-host
Type Standard
Recipient Device
wIndex 0x0000
wLength 0x0012




  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bRequest   8   8   GET_DESCRIPTOR   0x06   bRequest HexVal: 0x06
  wValue   16   16   DEVICE type   0x0100   Type of Descriptor
  wIndex   16   32   0x0000   0x0000   index info

DEVICE Descriptor

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength   8   0    0x12   0x12   Descriptor size is 18 bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   8    0x01   0x01   DEVICE Descriptor Type
  bcdUSB   16   16    0x0110   0x0110   USB Specification version 1.10
  bDeviceClass   8   32    0x02   0x02   The device belongs to the Communication Device/Interface Class
  bDeviceSubClass   8   40    0x00   0x00   Subclass 0x00 not defined
  bDeviceProtocol   8   48    0x00   0x00   The device uses the No class specific protocol required Protocol
  bMaxPacketSize0   8   56    0x08   0x08   Maximum packet size for endpoint zero is 8
  idVendor   16   64    0x2341   0x2341   Vendor ID is 9025: No Company Matches Id
  idProduct   16   80    0x0043   0x0043   Product ID is 67
  bcdDevice   16   96    0x0001   0x0001   The device release number is 0.01
  iManufacturer   8   112    0x01   0x01   The manufacturer string descriptor index is 1
  iProduct   8   120    0x02   0x02   The product string descriptor index is 2
  iSerialNumber   8   128    0xDC   0xDC   The serial number string descriptor index is 220
  bNumConfigurations   8   136    0x01   0x01   The device has 1 possible configurations


第三步,上面的描述符提到这个设备有1个 Configuration Descriptor, 主机要求设备送出 Configuration Descriptor



Setup Data 80 06 00 02 00 00 FF 00
Direction Device-to-host
Type Standard
Recipient Device
wIndex 0x0000
wLength 0x00FF




  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bRequest   8   8   GET_DESCRIPTOR   0x06   bRequest HexVal: 0x06
  wValue   16   16   CONFIGURATION type, Index 0   0x0200   Type of Descriptor
  wIndex   16   32   0x0000   0x0000   index info

CONFIGURATION Descriptor (9 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength   8   0    0x09   0x09   Descriptor size is 9 bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   8    0x02   0x02   CONFIGURATION Descriptor Type
  wTotalLength   16   16    0x003E   0x003E   The total length of data for this configuration is 62. This includes the combined length of all the descriptors returned Warning : The Value of wTotalLength is not equal to real length
  bNumInterfaces   8   32    0x02   0x02   This configuration supports 2 interfaces
  bConfigurationValue   8   40    0x01   0x01   The value 1 should be used to select this configuration
  iConfiguration   8   48    0x00   0x00   The device doesn’t have the string descriptor describing this configuration
  bmAttributes   8   56    0xC0   0xC0   Configuration characteristics : Bit 7: Reserved (set to one) 1 Bit 6: Self-powered 1 Bit 5: Remote Wakeup 0
  bMaxPower   8   64    0x32   0x32   Maximum power consumption of the device in this configuration is 100 mA

INTERFACE Descriptor (9 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength   8   72    0x09   0x09   Descriptor size is 9 bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   80    0x04   0x04   INTERFACE Descriptor Type
  bInterfaceNumber   8   88    0x00   0x00   The number of this interface is 0.
  bAlternateSetting   8   96    0x00   0x00   The value used to select the alternate setting for this interface is 0
  bNumEndpoints   8   104    0x01   0x01   The number of endpoints used by this interface is 1 (excluding endpoint zero)
  bInterfaceClass   8   112    0x02   0x02   The interface implements the Communication Device/Interface class
  bInterfaceSubClass   8   120    0x02   0x02   The interface implements the Abstract Control Model Subclass
  bInterfaceProtocol   8   128    0x01   0x01   The interface uses the Common AT commands Protocol
  iInterface   8   136    0x00   0x00   The device doesn’t have a string descriptor describing this iInterface

Communication Class Specific INTERFACE Descriptor (5 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength….   8   144    0x05   0x05   Size of the descriptor, in bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   152    0x24   0x24   CS_INTERFACE Descriptor Type
  bDescriptorSubType   8   160    0x00   0x00   Header Funtional Descriptor Subtype
  bcdCDC   16   168    0x1001   0x1001   USB Class Definitions for Communications the Communication specification version 10.01

Communication Class Specific INTERFACE Descriptor (4 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength….   8   184    0x04   0x04   Size of the descriptor, in bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   192    0x24   0x24   CS_INTERFACE Descriptor Type
  bDescriptorSubType   8   200    0x02   0x02   Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor Subtype
  bmCapabilities   8   208    0x06   0x06 Bit 0: Whether device supports the request combination of Set_Comm_Feature, Clear_Comm_Feature, and Get_Comm_Feature 0
Bit 1: Whether device supports the request combination of Set_Line_Coding, Set_Control_Line_State, Get_Line_Coding, and the notification Serial_State 1

Communication Class Specific INTERFACE Descriptor (5 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength….   8   216    0x05   0x05   Size of the descriptor, in bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   224    0x24   0x24   CS_INTERFACE Descriptor Type
  bDescriptorSubType   8   232    0x06   0x06   Union Functional Descriptor Subtype
  bControlInterface   8   240    0x00   0x00   The interface number of the Communications or Data Class interface
  bSubordinateInterface0   8   248    0x01   0x01   Interface number of subordinate interface in the Union

ENDPOINT Descriptor (7 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength   8   256    0x07   0x07   Descriptor size is 7 bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   264    0x05   0x05   ENDPOINT Descriptor Type
  bEndpointAddress   8   272    0x82   0x82   This is an IN endpoint with endpoint number 2
  bmAttributes   8   280    0x03   0x03   Types –
Low Power: No
Pkt Size Adjust: No
  wMaxPacketSize   16   288    0x0008   0x0008   Maximum packet size for this endpoint is 8 Bytes. If Hi-Speed, 0 additional transactions per frame
  bInterval   8   304    0xFF   0xFF   The polling interval value is every 255 Frames. Undefined for Hi-Speed

INTERFACE Descriptor (9 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength   8   312    0x09   0x09   Descriptor size is 9 bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   320    0x04   0x04   INTERFACE Descriptor Type
  bInterfaceNumber   8   328    0x01   0x01   The number of this interface is 1.
  bAlternateSetting   8   336    0x00   0x00   The value used to select the alternate setting for this interface is 0
  bNumEndpoints   8   344    0x02   0x02   The number of endpoints used by this interface is 2 (excluding endpoint zero)
  bInterfaceClass   8   352    0x0A   0x0A   The interface implements the Data Interface class
  bInterfaceProtocol   8   368    0x00   0x00   The interface uses the No class specific protocol required Protocol
  bInterfaceSubClass   8   360    0x00   0x00   The Subclass code is 0
  iInterface   8   376    0x00   0x00   The device doesn’t have a string descriptor describing this iInterface

ENDPOINT Descriptor (7 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength   8   384    0x07   0x07   Descriptor size is 7 bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   392    0x05   0x05   ENDPOINT Descriptor Type
  bEndpointAddress   8   400    0x04   0x04   This is an OUT endpoint with endpoint number 4
  bmAttributes   8   408    0x02   0x02   Types –
Transfer: BULK
Pkt Size Adjust: No
  wMaxPacketSize   16   416    0x0040   0x0040   Maximum packet size for this endpoint is 64 Bytes. If Hi-Speed, 0 additional transactions per frame
  bInterval   8   432    0x01   0x01   The polling interval value is every 1 Frames. If Hi-Speed, 1 uFrames/NAK

ENDPOINT Descriptor (7 bytes)

  Field     Length (bits)     Offset (bits)     Decoded     Hex Value                                                       Description                                                    
  bLength   8   440    0x07   0x07   Descriptor size is 7 bytes
  bDescriptorType   8   448    0x05   0x05   ENDPOINT Descriptor Type
  bEndpointAddress   8   456    0x83   0x83   This is an IN endpoint with endpoint number 3
  bmAttributes   8   464    0x02   0x02   Types –
Transfer: BULK
Pkt Size Adjust: No
  wMaxPacketSize   16   472    0x0040   0x0040   Maximum packet size for this endpoint is 64 Bytes. If Hi-Speed, 0 additional transactions per frame
  bInterval   8   488    0x01   0x01   The polling interval value is every 1 Frames. If Hi-Speed, every 1 uFrames


第五步,主机请求 String Descriptor


我不熟悉USB CDC 协议,因此上面只能做一个简单的使用实例。

最后,多说两句:这款分析仪的价格在 20万人民币,个人基本上不用考虑购买一个玩玩儿了。此外,近两年有一些国产的逻辑分析仪,价格只有国外的十分之一,但是我没有实验过。期待随着时间的推移,国产分析设备有所长进,甚至有一天能够对 USB协议产生影响。大多数情况下,USB设备的调试还是依靠Slave Device 本身的Debug 输出(比如:Uart),普通开发者也不会遇到传输上面的问题。


  1. http://baike.baidu.com/view/1367029.htm NRZ-I编码



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