Arduino Uno 大概是用途最广泛的型号了,美中不足的是它的GPIO 有限,这里介绍一个GPIO的扩展模块。基于 PCA9555芯片的 GPIO模块。
简单的说,这个模块是将I2C转换为 GPIO,一共支持16个GPIO。板子上通过跳线的方式可以选择当前的地址0x20-0x27一共8个,理论上可以级联出来8(个模块)*16(个GPIO)=128个GPIO。
电源支持2.3到5.5v(正常工作范围),IO 输入5V,支持每一个输出最大50mA,输入时每个最大20mA。电源供电最大输入 160mA(这意味着不能同时有3以上的 GPIO输出50mA,在使用的时候一定要特别注意,最好把它当作只能提供电平的控制模块)。
简单实验这个模块,用4个LED,负极通过一个1K电阻接地,虽然这样会让LED看起来很暗,但是我能够确定不会有过流的问题。然后用扩展版上的 P0.6,P0.7 ,P1.6和P1.7连接LED正极进行供电控制。
运行的代码来自 DFRobot【参考2】(看起来他们在很久之前做过一块类似的板子,但是目前已经停产了)。当I2C地址选择三个Pin都为0时,模块地址是0x20。另外,I2C访问部分,我修改为Wire.write 之前的Wire.send 函数已经取消了。
/****************************************************************************** Test Program for the 12C PCA9555 Board part number DFR0013 IIC TO GPIO module from 16 outputs that I used to drive this relay board made in Bulgaria it's a great little expansion board that can be used to drive LEDs or anything you want. made by January 07th 2011 My biggest problem was figuring out the I2C address of the PCA9555. If there are no jumpers the address is 1 0 0 '1 1 1' Jumpers make the address 1 0 0 '0 0 0'. This is opposite of what I expected. ******************************************************************************/ #include <Wire.h> // with no jumpers the full address is 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 A2 A1 A0 0x27 is the default address for the DFR0013 board with no jumpers. #define PCA9555 0x20 // 0x27 is default address for the DFR0013 board with no jumpers. // 0x20 is address for the DFR0013 board with all jumpers. // COMMAND BYTE TO REGISTER RELATIONSHIP FROM PCA9555 DATA SHEET // At reset, the device's ports are inputs with a high value resistor pull-ups to VDD // If relays turning on during power up are a problem. Add a pull down resistor to each relay transistor base. #define IN_P0 0x00 // Read Input port0 #define IN_P1 0x01 // Read Input port1 #define OUT_P0 0x02 // Write Output port0 #define OUT_P1 0x03 // Write Output port1 #define INV_P0 0x04 // Input Port Polarity Inversion port0 if B11111111 is written input polarity is inverted #define INV_P1 0x05 // Input Port Polarity Inversion port1 if B11111111 is written input polarity is inverted #define CONFIG_P0 0x06 // Configuration port0 configures the direction of the I/O pins 0 is output 1 is input #define CONFIG_P1 0x07 // Configuration port1 configures the direction of the I/O pins 0 is output 1 is input #define PAUSE 200 void setup() { Wire.begin(PCA9555); // join i2c bus (address optional for master) tried to get working write_io (CONFIG_P0, B00000000); //defines all pins on Port0 are outputs write_io (CONFIG_P1, B00000000); //defines all pins on Port1 are outputs write_io (OUT_P0, B00000000); //clears all relays write_io (OUT_P1, B00000000); //clears all relays delay (PAUSE); } void loop() { write_io (OUT_P0, B00000001); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P0, B00000010); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P0, B00000100); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P0, B00001000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P0, B00010000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P0, B00100000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P0, B01000000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P0, B10000000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P0, B00000000); write_io (OUT_P1, B00000001); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P1, B00000010); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P1, B00000100); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P1, B00001000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P1, B00010000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P1, B00100000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P1, B01000000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P1, B10000000); delay (PAUSE); write_io (OUT_P1, B00000000); } void write_io(int command, int value) { Wire.beginTransmission(PCA9555); Wire.write(command),Wire.write(value); Wire.endTransmission(); }
1. 这个模块在淘宝价格20左右,DFRobot新的替代品的价格在65左右;
2. 模块做工不错,看起来挺舒服,应该是机器焊接的(老婆偶然看到,竟然觉得挺精致)
3. Github 上有人提供了一个库,有兴趣的朋友可以试试。如果能够简化编程,都值得实验