Krishna 推荐EDK2中集成的 ACPI Command,研究过程中我发现今年3月有一份新Release 的 UDK 版本,可以在 看到。从我的感觉上这个版本比前面 201811 的要稳定一些,推荐有更新需求的朋友们试试。
Release Date 2019-03-08 (UTC - 8 12PM)
New Features
- Python 3 migration
- BaseTool Suggestions for improving building performance
- Delete IPv4 only TCP/iSCSI/PXE drivers in MdeModulePkg
- Remove EdkShellPkg from edk2/master
- Remove EdkShellBinPkg from edk2/master
- BaseTools: Support Array and C code style initialization in Structure PCD
- Merge EmuVariable and Real variable driver
- Remove DuetPkg
- Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.0j
- Split the S3 phase device initialization codes from the OpalPassword PEI driver
- Remove PcdPeiCoreMaxXXX PCDs
- Remove unused tool logic in BaseTools C\Python
- BaseTools: Enable component override functionality
- Remove unused tool chain configuration in tools_def.template
- Add Security feature set support for ATA devices
- SMM CET support
- Add Wi-Fi Connection Manager to NetworkPkg
- Standalone MM build of authenticated variable stack
其中引人注意的是 “Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.0j”,在编译过程中我发现如果没有 OpenSSL NT32Pkg 也是无法正常编译的。这里放置一个补充 OpenSSL 1.1.0J 能够正常编译的 Package,有需要的朋友可以在这里下载:
链接: 提取码: ymra