Step to UEFI (247)从 SecCoreStartupWithStack 到 Pei

书接上回,下面的语句输出了第一条 Debug Log,它位于 SecMain.c 中:

    "SecCoreStartupWithStack(0x%x, 0x%x)\n",


// Initialize Debug Agent to support source level debug in SEC/PEI phases before memory ready.

InitializeDebugAgent (DEBUG_AGENT_INIT_PREMEM_SEC, &SecCoreData, SecStartupPhase2);

这个函数位于 \MdeModulePkg\Library\DebugAgentLibNull\DebugAgentLibNull.c,从代码上看到就是一个跳转而已:

  Initialize debug agent.

  This function is used to set up debug environment to support source level debugging.
  If certain Debug Agent Library instance has to save some private data in the stack,
  this function must work on the mode that doesn't return to the caller, then
  the caller needs to wrap up all rest of logic after InitializeDebugAgent() into one
  function and pass it into InitializeDebugAgent(). InitializeDebugAgent() is
  responsible to invoke the passing-in function at the end of InitializeDebugAgent().

  If the parameter Function is not NULL, Debug Agent Library instance will invoke it by
  passing in the Context to be its parameter.

  If Function() is NULL, Debug Agent Library instance will return after setup debug

  @param[in] InitFlag     Init flag is used to decide the initialize process.
  @param[in] Context      Context needed according to InitFlag; it was optional.
  @param[in] Function     Continue function called by debug agent library; it was

InitializeDebugAgent (
  IN UINT32                InitFlag,
  IN VOID                  *Context, OPTIONAL
  if (Function != NULL) {
    Function (Context);

继续在 SecMain.c中执行SecStartupPhase2() 函数,这个函数负责找到 PEI Core 的 Entry Point

  Caller provided function to be invoked at the end of InitializeDebugAgent().

  Entry point to the C language phase of SEC. After the SEC assembly
  code has initialized some temporary memory and set up the stack,
  the control is transferred to this function.

  @param[in] Context    The first input parameter of InitializeDebugAgent().

  IN VOID                     *Context


  // Transfer the control to the PEI core
  (*PeiCoreEntryPoint) (SecCoreData, (EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR *)&mPrivateDispatchTable);

其中 PeiCoreEntryPoint 类型是 EFI_PEI_CORE_ENTRY_POINT ,定义可以在 \mdepkg\include\pi\PiPeiCis.h 看到:

  The entry point of PEI Foundation.

  This function is the entry point for the PEI Foundation, which
  allows the SEC phase to pass information about the stack,
  temporary RAM and the Boot Firmware Volume. In addition, it also
  allows the SEC phase to pass services and data forward for use
  during the PEI phase in the form of one or more PPIs. These PPI's
  will be installed and/or immediately signaled if they are
  notification type. There is no limit to the number of additional
  PPIs that can be passed from SEC into the PEI Foundation. As part
  of its initialization phase, the PEI Foundation will add these
  SEC-hosted PPIs to its PPI database such that both the PEI
  Foundation and any modules can leverage the associated service
  calls and/or code in these early PPIs.

  @param SecCoreData    Points to a data structure containing
                        information about the PEI core's
                        operating environment, such as the size
                        and location of temporary RAM, the stack
                        location and the BFV location.

  @param PpiList        Points to a list of one or more PPI
                        descriptors to be installed initially by
                        the PEI core. An empty PPI list consists
                        of a single descriptor with the end-tag
                        As part of its initialization phase, the
                        PEI Foundation will add these SEC-hosted
                        PPIs to its PPI database such that both
                        the PEI Foundation and any modules can
                        leverage the associated service calls
                        and/or code in these early PPIs.


接下来的跳转进入\MdePkg\Library\PeiCoreEntryPoint\PeiCoreEntryPoint.c 中的ModuleEntryPoint()

  The entry point of PE/COFF Image for the PEI Core.

  This function is the entry point for the PEI Foundation, which allows the SEC phase
  to pass information about the stack, temporary RAM and the Boot Firmware Volume.
  In addition, it also allows the SEC phase to pass services and data forward for use
  during the PEI phase in the form of one or more PPIs.
  There is no limit to the number of additional PPIs that can be passed from SEC into
  the PEI Foundation. As part of its initialization phase, the PEI Foundation will add
  these SEC-hosted PPIs to its PPI database such that both the PEI Foundation and any
  modules can leverage the associated service calls and/or code in these early PPIs.
  This function is required to call ProcessModuleEntryPointList() with the Context
  parameter set to NULL.  ProcessModuleEntryPoint() is never expected to return.
  The PEI Core is responsible for calling ProcessLibraryConstructorList() as soon as
  the PEI Services Table and the file handle for the PEI Core itself have been established.
  If ProcessModuleEntryPointList() returns, then ASSERT() and halt the system.

  @param SecCoreData  Points to a data structure containing information about the
                      PEI core's operating environment, such as the size and
                      location of temporary RAM, the stack location and the BFV

  @param PpiList      Points to a list of one or more PPI descriptors to be
                      installed initially by the PEI core. An empty PPI list
                      consists of a single descriptor with the end-tag
                      As part of its initialization phase, the PEI Foundation will
                      add these SEC-hosted PPIs to its PPI database, such that both
                      the PEI Foundation and any modules can leverage the associated
                      service calls and/or code in these early PPIs.

  ProcessModuleEntryPointList (SecCoreData, PpiList, NULL);

  // Should never return
  CpuDeadLoop ();


ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
  IN VOID                           *Context

  PeiCore (SecCoreData, PpiList, Context);


  This routine is invoked by main entry of PeiMain module during transition
  from SEC to PEI. After switching stack in the PEI core, it will restart
  with the old core data.

  @param SecCoreDataPtr  Points to a data structure containing information about the PEI core's operating
                         environment, such as the size and location of temporary RAM, the stack location and
                         the BFV location.
  @param PpiList         Points to a list of one or more PPI descriptors to be installed initially by the PEI core.
                         An empty PPI list consists of a single descriptor with the end-tag
                         EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST. As part of its initialization
                         phase, the PEI Foundation will add these SEC-hosted PPIs to its PPI database such
                         that both the PEI Foundation and any modules can leverage the associated service
                         calls and/or code in these early PPIs
  @param Data            Pointer to old core data that is used to initialize the
                         core's data areas.
                         If NULL, it is first PeiCore entering.

PeiCore (
  IN CONST EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF        *SecCoreDataPtr,
  IN VOID                              *Data

前面可以看到,这里是通过 ProcessModuleEntryPointList (SecCoreData, PpiList, NULL); 进行调用的,因此,这里Data==NULL,所以也是第一次运行:

  // Retrieve context passed into PEI Core
  OldCoreData = (PEI_CORE_INSTANCE *) Data;
  SecCoreData = (EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF *) SecCoreDataPtr;

  // Perform PEI Core phase specific actions.
  if (OldCoreData == NULL) {
    // If OldCoreData is NULL, means current is the first entry into the PEI Core before memory is available.
    ZeroMem (&PrivateData, sizeof (PEI_CORE_INSTANCE));
    PrivateData.Signature = PEI_CORE_HANDLE_SIGNATURE;
    CopyMem (&PrivateData.ServiceTableShadow, &gPs, sizeof (gPs));

其中PrivateData 是 PEI_CORE_INSTANCE           PrivateData; 其中 PEI_CORE_INSTANCE 定义在PeiMain.h 中报错了 Pei Core 的一些信息,比如:当前 Fv中的 FFS 个数等等。第一次进入PeiCore 的时候(OldCoreData == NULL),代码会准备PrivateData的内容。


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