Step to UEFI (64) —– Print 直接输出错误信息

最近发现一个挺有意思的功能,Print 使用 %r 参数可以直接输出错误信息的含义。这样的话,我们可以直接取得错误信息,省去不少麻烦。例如,下面的代码

#include  <Uefi.h>
#include  <Library/UefiLib.h>
#include  <Library/ShellCEntryLib.h>

extern EFI_BOOT_SERVICES         *gBS;
extern EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE			 *gST;

main (
  IN int Argc,
  IN CHAR16 **Argv
  return EFI_SUCCESS;




我们再仔细研究一下 %r 的具体实现。

查看 PrintR 编译生成的 ,可以看到 _Print 是链接到 UefiLibPrint.obj 中。用这个文件名,我们确定是在 \MdePkg\Library\UefiLib\UefiLibPrint.c 这个文件中

0001:000000ce _ShellCEntryLib 0000032e f UefiShellCEntryLib:UefiShellCEntryLib.obj
0001:00000140 _InternalPrint 000003a0 f UefiLib:UefiLibPrint.obj
0001:0000018b _Print 000003eb f UefiLib:UefiLibPrint.obj
0001:000001a8 _ShellFindSE2 00000408 f UefiShellLib:UefiShellLib.obj
0001:000002d8 _ShellLibConstructorWorker 00000538 f UefiShellLib:UefiShellLib.obj
0001:0000048d _ShellLibDestructor 000006ed f UefiShellLib:UefiShellLib.obj
0001:00000535 _ShellOpenFileByDevicePath 00000795 f UefiShellLib:UefiShellLib.obj

Print 函数:

  Prints a formatted Unicode string to the console output device specified by 
  ConOut defined in the EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.

  This function prints a formatted Unicode string to the console output device 
  specified by ConOut in EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE and returns the number of Unicode 
  characters that printed to ConOut.  If the length of the formatted Unicode 
  string is greater than PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize, then only the first 
  PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize characters are sent to ConOut.
  If Format is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If Format is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If gST->ConOut is NULL, then ASSERT().

  @param Format   A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
  @param ...      A Variable argument list whose contents are accessed based 
                  on the format string specified by Format.
  @return The number of Unicode characters printed to ConOut.

Print (
  IN CONST CHAR16  *Format,
  VA_LIST Marker;
  UINTN   Return;

  VA_START (Marker, Format);

  Return = InternalPrint (Format, gST->ConOut, Marker);

  VA_END (Marker);

  return Return;


InternalPrint 函数在同一个文件中

  Internal function which prints a formatted Unicode string to the console output device
  specified by Console

  This function prints a formatted Unicode string to the console output device
  specified by Console and returns the number of Unicode characters that printed
  to it.  If the length of the formatted Unicode string is greater than PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize,
  then only the first PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize characters are sent to Console.
  If Format is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If Format is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param Format   A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
  @param Console  The output console.
  @param Marker   A VA_LIST marker for the variable argument list.

  @return The number of Unicode characters in the produced
          output buffer, not including the Null-terminator.
InternalPrint (
  IN  CONST CHAR16                     *Format,
  IN  VA_LIST                          Marker
  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  UINTN       Return;
  CHAR16      *Buffer;
  UINTN       BufferSize;

  ASSERT (Format != NULL);
  ASSERT (((UINTN) Format & BIT0) == 0);
  ASSERT (Console != NULL);

  BufferSize = (PcdGet32 (PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16);

  Buffer = (CHAR16 *) AllocatePool(BufferSize);
  ASSERT (Buffer != NULL);

  Return = UnicodeVSPrint (Buffer, BufferSize, Format, Marker);

  if (Console != NULL && Return > 0) {
    // To be extra safe make sure Console has been initialized
    Status = Console->OutputString (Console, Buffer);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      Return = 0;

  FreePool (Buffer);

  return Return;


处理输出的核心是 UnicodeVSPrint 函数

  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in an output buffer based on 
  a Null-terminated Unicode format string and a VA_LIST argument list
  Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer
  and BufferSize.  
  The Unicode string is produced by parsing the format string specified by FormatString.  
  Arguments are pulled from the variable argument list specified by Marker based on the 
  contents of the format string.  
  The number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer is returned not including
  the Null-terminator.
  If BufferSize is 0 or 1, then no output buffer is produced and 0 is returned.

  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and StartOfBuffer is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and FormatString is NULL, then ASSERT().
  If BufferSize > 1 and FormatString is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and FormatString contains more than 
  PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the Null-terminator, then
  If PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength is not zero, and produced Null-terminated Unicode string
  contains more than PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength Unicode characters not including the
  Null-terminator, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartOfBuffer   A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated 
                          Unicode string.
  @param  BufferSize      The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
  @param  FormatString    A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
  @param  Marker          VA_LIST marker for the variable argument list.
  @return The number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer not including the

UnicodeVSPrint (
  OUT CHAR16        *StartOfBuffer,
  IN  UINTN         BufferSize,
  IN  CONST CHAR16  *FormatString,
  IN  VA_LIST       Marker
  return BasePrintLibSPrintMarker ((CHAR8 *)StartOfBuffer, BufferSize >> 1, FORMAT_UNICODE | OUTPUT_UNICODE, (CHAR8 *)FormatString, Marker, NULL);


BasePrintLibSPrintMarker 函数在 \MdePkg\Library\BasePrintLib\PrintLib.c

  Worker function that produces a Null-terminated string in an output buffer 
  based on a Null-terminated format string and a VA_LIST argument list.

  VSPrint function to process format and place the results in Buffer. Since a 
  VA_LIST is used this routine allows the nesting of Vararg routines. Thus 
  this is the main print working routine.

  If COUNT_ONLY_NO_PRINT is set in Flags, Buffer will not be modified at all.

  @param[out] Buffer          The character buffer to print the results of the 
                              parsing of Format into.
  @param[in]  BufferSize      The maximum number of characters to put into 
  @param[in]  Flags           Initial flags value.
                              Can only have FORMAT_UNICODE, OUTPUT_UNICODE, 
                              and COUNT_ONLY_NO_PRINT set.
  @param[in]  Format          A Null-terminated format string.
  @param[in]  VaListMarker    VA_LIST style variable argument list consumed by
                              processing Format.
  @param[in]  BaseListMarker  BASE_LIST style variable argument list consumed
                              by processing Format.

  @return The number of characters printed not including the Null-terminator.
          If COUNT_ONLY_NO_PRINT was set returns the same, but without any
          modification to Buffer.

BasePrintLibSPrintMarker (
  OUT CHAR8        *Buffer,
  IN  UINTN        BufferSize,
  IN  UINTN        Flags,
  IN  CONST CHAR8  *Format,
  IN  VA_LIST      VaListMarker,   OPTIONAL
  IN  BASE_LIST    BaseListMarker  OPTIONAL


处理 %r 的代码如下

      case 'r':
        if (BaseListMarker == NULL) {
          Status = VA_ARG (VaListMarker, RETURN_STATUS);
        } else {
          Status = BASE_ARG (BaseListMarker, RETURN_STATUS);
        ArgumentString = ValueBuffer;
        if (RETURN_ERROR (Status)) {
          // Clear error bit
          Index = Status & ~MAX_BIT;
          if (Index > 0 && Index <= ERROR_STATUS_NUMBER) {
            ArgumentString = mStatusString [Index + WARNING_STATUS_NUMBER];
        } else {
          Index = Status;
          if (Index <= WARNING_STATUS_NUMBER) {
            ArgumentString = mStatusString [Index];
        if (ArgumentString == ValueBuffer) {
          BasePrintLibSPrint ((CHAR8 *) ValueBuffer, MAXIMUM_VALUE_CHARACTERS, 0, "%08X", Status);


核心就是查 mStatusString 表,在 \MdePkg\Library\BasePrintLib\PrintLibInternal.c 中有定义

  "Success",                      //  RETURN_SUCCESS                = 0
  "Warning Unknown Glyph",        //  RETURN_WARN_UNKNOWN_GLYPH     = 1
  "Warning Delete Failure",       //  RETURN_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE    = 2
  "Warning Write Failure",        //  RETURN_WARN_WRITE_FAILURE     = 3
  "Warning Buffer Too Small",     //  RETURN_WARN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  = 4
  "Warning Stale Data",           //  RETURN_WARN_STALE_DATA        = 5
  "Load Error",                   //  RETURN_LOAD_ERROR             = 1  | MAX_BIT
  "Invalid Parameter",            //  RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER      = 2  | MAX_BIT
  "Unsupported",                  //  RETURN_UNSUPPORTED            = 3  | MAX_BIT
  "Bad Buffer Size",              //  RETURN_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE        = 4  | MAX_BIT
  "Buffer Too Small",             //  RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL,      = 5  | MAX_BIT
  "Not Ready",                    //  RETURN_NOT_READY              = 6  | MAX_BIT
  "Device Error",                 //  RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR           = 7  | MAX_BIT
  "Write Protected",              //  RETURN_WRITE_PROTECTED        = 8  | MAX_BIT
  "Out of Resources",             //  RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES       = 9  | MAX_BIT
  "Volume Corrupt",               //  RETURN_VOLUME_CORRUPTED       = 10 | MAX_BIT
  "Volume Full",                  //  RETURN_VOLUME_FULL            = 11 | MAX_BIT
  "No Media",                     //  RETURN_NO_MEDIA               = 12 | MAX_BIT
  "Media changed",                //  RETURN_MEDIA_CHANGED          = 13 | MAX_BIT
  "Not Found",                    //  RETURN_NOT_FOUND              = 14 | MAX_BIT
  "Access Denied",                //  RETURN_ACCESS_DENIED          = 15 | MAX_BIT
  "No Response",                  //  RETURN_NO_RESPONSE            = 16 | MAX_BIT
  "No mapping",                   //  RETURN_NO_MAPPING             = 17 | MAX_BIT
  "Time out",                     //  RETURN_TIMEOUT                = 18 | MAX_BIT
  "Not started",                  //  RETURN_NOT_STARTED            = 19 | MAX_BIT
  "Already started",              //  RETURN_ALREADY_STARTED        = 20 | MAX_BIT
  "Aborted",                      //  RETURN_ABORTED                = 21 | MAX_BIT
  "ICMP Error",                   //  RETURN_ICMP_ERROR             = 22 | MAX_BIT
  "TFTP Error",                   //  RETURN_TFTP_ERROR             = 23 | MAX_BIT
  "Protocol Error",               //  RETURN_PROTOCOL_ERROR         = 24 | MAX_BIT
  "Incompatible Version",         //  RETURN_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION   = 25 | MAX_BIT
  "Security Violation",           //  RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION     = 26 | MAX_BIT
  "CRC Error",                    //  RETURN_CRC_ERROR              = 27 | MAX_BIT
  "End of Media",                 //  RETURN_END_OF_MEDIA           = 28 | MAX_BIT
  "Reserved (29)",                //  RESERVED                      = 29 | MAX_BIT
  "Reserved (30)",                //  RESERVED                      = 30 | MAX_BIT
  "End of File",                  //  RETURN_END_OF_FILE            = 31 | MAX_BIT
  "Invalid Language",             //  RETURN_INVALID_LANGUAGE       = 32 | MAX_BIT
  "Compromised Data"              //  RETURN_COMPROMISED_DATA       = 33 | MAX_BIT



《Step to UEFI (64) —– Print 直接输出错误信息》有2个想法


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