Step to UEFI (212)WinPE 格式:RDATA 节的作用

前面的文章中提到了 .rdata 是用于保存常量数据的节,这里对这个位置进行研究。

首先从  \Build\AppPkg\DEBUG_VS2015x86\X64\AppPkg\Applications\Hello\Hello\OUTPUT\ 看到 Section 分布:

Start         Length     Name                   Class
 0001:00000000 000012f7H .text$mn                CODE
 0002:00000000 000006f4H .rdata                  DATA
 0002:000006f4 00000110H .rdata$zzzdbg           DATA
 0003:00000000 00000020H .data                   DATA
 0003:00000020 00000020H .bss                    DATA
 0004:00000000 000000a8H .pdata                  DATA
 0005:00000000 00000084H .xdata                  DATA



0002:00000690       mHexStr                    0000000000001c50     BasePrintLib:PrintLibInternal.ob

我们查看 \MdePkg\Library\BasePrintLib\PrintLibInternal.c有如下定义:

GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CONST CHAR8 mHexStr[] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};


  Internal function that convert a number to a string in Buffer.

  Print worker function that converts a decimal or hexadecimal number to an ASCII string in Buffer.

  @param  Buffer    Location to place the ASCII string of Value.
  @param  Value     The value to convert to a Decimal or Hexadecimal string in Buffer.
  @param  Radix     Radix of the value

  @return A pointer to the end of buffer filled with ASCII string.

BasePrintLibValueToString (
  IN OUT CHAR8  *Buffer,
  IN INT64      Value,
  IN UINTN      Radix
  UINT32  Remainder;

  // Loop to convert one digit at a time in reverse order
  *Buffer = 0;
  do {
    Value = (INT64)DivU64x32Remainder ((UINT64)Value, (UINT32)Radix, &Remainder);
    *(++Buffer) = mHexStr[Remainder];
  } while (Value != 0);

  // Return pointer of the end of filled buffer.
  return Buffer;


使用 CFF 打开 EFI 文件,查看 .rdata Section(红色框中),可以在其中看到定义的字符串:

如果把上面的 0x34修改为0x46,再次运行 Hello.efi 就会用不同的值显示出来。修改之前运行结果如下:


因此,可以确定在 .rdata 中存放了mHexStr[]用于十进制对十六进制显示的转换。这就是 .rdata存放的常量的作用。


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