Step to UEFI (239)MainAsm跳转到SecEntry的证明

前面提到了 Main.asm 中的 Main16 最后会跳转到 SecEntry.nasm 中,这次用实验来证明这一点。

在Main.asm跳转代码如下,前面找到的地址放在 rsi 中,然后直接跳转到该地址:

BITS    64

    ; Some values were calculated in 32-bit mode.  Make sure the upper
    ; 32-bits of 64-bit registers are zero for these values.
    mov     rax, 0x00000000ffffffff
    and     rsi, rax
    and     rbp, rax
    and     rsp, rax

    ; RSI - SEC Core entry point
    ; RBP - Start of BFV

    ; Restore initial EAX value into the RAX register
    mov     rax, rsp

    ; Jump to the 64-bit SEC entry point
    jmp     rsi

这里加入代码,从0x402 Port输出 rsi的值:

    ; Restore initial EAX value into the RAX register
    mov     rax, rsp

    mov     rax,rsi
    mov     dx,0x402
	; 7-0 Bits
    out     dx,al       

    ; 15-8 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       
	; 23-16 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 31-24 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 39-32 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 47-40 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 55-48 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 63-56 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

接下来在SecEntry.nasm添加代码,输出当前 rip 的值:

; SecCore Entry Point
; Processor is in flat protected mode
; @param[in]  RAX   Initial value of the EAX register (BIST: Built-in Self Test)
; @param[in]  DI    'BP': boot-strap processor, or 'AP': application processor
; @param[in]  RBP   Pointer to the start of the Boot Firmware Volume
; @param[in]  DS    Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
; @param[in]  ES    Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
; @param[in]  FS    Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
; @param[in]  GS    Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
; @param[in]  SS    Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
; @return     None  This routine does not return
global ASM_PFX(_ModuleEntryPoint)
    lea     rax,[$]
    mov     dx,0x402
	; 7-0 Bits
    out     dx,al       

    ; 15-8 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       
	; 23-16 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 31-24 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 39-32 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 47-40 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 55-48 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al       

	; 63-56 Bits
	shr     rax,8
    out     dx,al     

    ; Fill the temporary RAM with the initial stack value.
    ; The loop below will seed the heap as well, but that's harmless.
    mov     rax, (FixedPcdGet32 (PcdInitValueInTempStack) << 32) | FixedPcdGet32 (PcdInitValueInTempStack)
                                                              ; qword to store
    mov     rdi, FixedPcdGet32 (PcdOvmfSecPeiTempRamBase)     ; base address,
                                                              ;   relative to
                                                              ;   ES
    mov     rcx, FixedPcdGet32 (PcdOvmfSecPeiTempRamSize) / 8 ; qword count
    cld                                                       ; store from base
                                                              ;   up
    rep stosq

在 QEMU 上运行后,用十六进制工具查看 debug.log:

可以看到输出的 0xFFFC C374, 这样可以证明跳转到 SecEntry.nasm 继续执行的。


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